Implementing bold transition strategies for businesses - including Life Cycle Assessments (LCA)

H2D is a company dedicated to supporting organizations with systemic tools for their environmental transition strategies.

Service Offering

Implementing ambitious environmental objectives requires a systemic analysis of past and future impacts. To this end, we have established a multitude of services designed to meet this challenge.

These include transition strategy consulting, multi-criteria environmental assessments (LCA/Enhanced-LCAs), and R&D opportunities to help your business with materiality and process improvements.

Transition strategy consulting

Environmental audits

Research & Development

Aware that our services require the sharing of confidential data - both within your organisation and sometimes with your suppliers - we have established some of the strictest processes in this area: we only use secure software, are signatories of a confidentiality charter and give this issue central consideration when establishing our contracts.


Our team

Didier Grillot

Chief Executive Officer

Jérémy Houbé-Cieplik

Sustainable development consultant

Isabelle Grillot

Administrative Manager

H2D - SARL with capital of €2,000
Head office: 33 rue du petit bois 88250 La Bresse - France
RCS Epinal registration number: 952 970 739
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